
UCCSH Twinning Grants 2025


The primary mission of the UCCSH Research Center is to foster the advancement of fundamental and pre-clinical scientific breakthroughs in the field of cancer research and ultimately endorse their translation to the clinic.

In support of this mission, we are excited to announce the next round of UCCSH Twinning Grants:

Two cross-campus teams of researchers from UKSH Kiel and Lübeck receive a start-up funding of €25,000 to carry out innovative six-month cancer research projects*.

*With subject to approval of funds.

Start your UKSH cross-campus research team and submit your joint proposal by Januar 31st 2025!

What are the criteria for participation?

Twinning Grant Team

Each team must include at least one member from each of the two UKSH Campuses (Lübeck and Kiel).


The proposed project must be oncology-related and adress a topic within one of the five UCCSH Research Programs:

  • Metastasis & Dissemination

  • Biomarkers & Minimal Residual Disease

  • Immunotherapy & Tumor Immunology

  • Inflammation & Cancer

  • Precision Oncology & Treatment Resistance

We particularly encourage interdisciplinary collaborations between wet lab and dry lab investigators as well as clinics and core facilities.


Applicants are are eligible after doctorate. Please note that professors with a structure-forming professorship1 are excluded from this funding application. We strongly encourage proposals from early career researchers.

What to hand-in and how to submit your work?

Twinning Grant study proposal

Please use the Twinning Grant proposal template linked below. The application should be written in English, font Arial 11 pt., and should not exceed 4 pages excluding references. Please specify which UCCSH research program your proposal addresses.


Please provide a short CV of both applicants (max. 1 page each)


Please email your CV and Twinning Grant Proposal to

What are the criteria for evaluation?

Twinning Grant Team

Each team must include at least one member from each of the two UKSH Campuses (Lübeck and Kiel).


The proposed project must be oncology-related and address a topic within one of the five UCCSH Research Programs:

  • Metastasis & Dissemination

  • Biomarkers & Minimal Residual Disease

  • Immunotherapy & Tumor Immunology

  • Inflammation & Cancer

  • Precision Oncology & Treatment Resistance

We particularly encourage interdisciplinary collaborations between wet lab and dry lab investigators as well as clinics and core facilities.


Applicants are eligible after doctorate. Please note that professors with a structure-forming professorship1 are excluded from this funding application. We strongly encourage proposals from early career researchers.

What`s the timeline?

December 13th, 2024

Submission Deadline
January 31st, 2025

Decision announcement
March 3rd, 2025

Funding period
April 1st – September 30th, 2025

More questions?